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About Us


The International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences

IAAS  is the international association for students who study agriculture or related sciences (environment, biotechnology, chemistry, food-science,...) .

Our goal is to stimulate the exchange of knowledge, experiences and ideas all across the world.

IAAS exists since 1957 (IAAS Belgium since 1958) and the headquarters are situated in Leuven.

There are 10 000 members worldwide, spread over 54 countries.


With IAAS you can broaden your horizon in many different ways:

  • internships

  • worldwide events

  • congresses, seminars

  • soft skill trainings

  • global projects

  • culture, fun and parties

  • international network

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The international organisation

Local IAAS Comittee in Ghent.

Local IAAS Comittee in Leuven.

Local IAAS Comittee in Louvain-La-Neuve.

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