Local Committee Leuven
The committee in Leuven is situated in the faculty of bio-science engineering of the KU Leuven. [This group is temporarily inactive. Would you like to be the one to revive it? If so, just contact us!]
Bi-weekly meetings are held and also some very typical local activities are organised such as:
Breakfast action
Company/farm visits
Soft-skill trainings
Trade Fairs (International food & drinks)
See the album down below for more information.
Hover above a picture to see the description and click on it for the Facebook event.
We also send our students abroad to international events such as:
European Directors Meeting EDM
World Congress WOCO
Exchange Program (internships) meeting ExCo
Exchange weeks
Symposia, Congresses en Conferences of partners of IAAS
New members and interested people are always welcome to our meetings and events. All of our local events are open to everyone.
Contact us through:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IAASLeuven
Mail: iaas@lbk.be
Personally: You?, Local Director
Kasteelpark Arenberg 20
3001 Heverlee-Leuven