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Claim the Climate!

Writer's picture: iaasbelgiumiaasbelgium

On the 2nd of November, members of IAAS Louvain-la-Neuve, IAAS Leuven and IAAS Ghent went to the Claim the Climate march. Over 75 000 people came together in the streets of Brussels to show our government that we mean it. We need to act on climate change NOW. We marched to ask for an ambitious and socially just climate policy.

On the first day of the international climate conference COP24 we called for action of the Belgian Government. Climate scientist have found out that our planet cannot get heat up more than 1.5°C or we will have disastrous consequences. A lot of countries have already taken action to respect this line. They do this through a socially just transition, taking into account all needs of humans, including workers from threatened sectors, people from the south, immigrants,... We marched for climate justice, in Belgium and Worldwide!

So on Sunday the 2nd of December some IAAS members arrived in Brussels North station together with some thousands of people to raise their voices for the climate. With good spirited and good organised Wallonians and Flemish the first part of the march went through the kantoorwijk. Only then it became clear just how many people came to this march. From all sides of political parties, organisations including


The people marched on, shouting and debating the necessary new climate policy.

Whilst marching for change there was also time to get to know the other IAAS Belgium members and have fun. The people marched on until they arrived in the Jubelpark where the march ended. There was music, food and hopeful people everywhere. We went home with public transport of course and started studying again, because through our studies and getting informed we are trying to make the world a little bit better.


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