Thursday 29/11/18, Arrival day! Slowly but surely people are arriving to EDM. Friends meet again and are catching up, others meet for the first time and introduce themselves.

To get to know the names of so many participants (around 30) we started playing introduction games. The first game we played we stated our name, an adjective beginning with the same letter and a move. For example mine was, crazy Celine and a dance move. Then we repeated the previous names and tried to remember them. Our second game was a bingo game, we tried to find people who had a turtle for a pet, or had been on a cruise, who loved harry potter or hate chocolate. In this way we got to know each other better.
The Falling game, do you trust each other? To build up trust we had to walk around in a small area and when they shout out a name, that person had to start falling and the others had to catch him/her. At the end we tried it with our eyes closed even.
Do you really remember the names? Can you quickly shout them out? Two groups were divided by blankets so they couldn't see each other. On three, one person from each group jumped up and then had to shout the others name first. This was a really fun way to try and remember the names of the participants.
Last but not least, shooting game. Everyone stood around in a circle, the one in the middle shouted out a persons name, they had to duck and the ones beside them had to quickly say the other persons name. If they were to late, they had to sit down.
After all those, sometimes intense, games we had dinner in our youth hostel. Some delicious pisto and tortilla. Truly Spanish and even vegetarian!
To get to know each other in a nice and chill way we went to a bar and played some card games, going to bed early enough to wake up at 7 am the next day.